I currently work as a 5Rhythms teacher, Jnana yoga facilitator & active father to my two teenage sons. Over the years I’ve been greatly influenced by various extraordinary teachers whom I’ve been lucky enough to study with & I feel particularly indebted to Thich Nhat Hanh, Daniel Odier, Adyashanti & most importantly Rupert Spira & Gabrielle Roth; the latter of whom took me under her Raven wing back in 2000 & guided me to turn my life inside out by teaching me the art of experiencing and exploring life as an awesome Dance from whose perspective we are already free. I completed my training with her in 2005 and under the guidance of other meditation teachers have been developing skills to guide people into this experiential perspective ever since. I teach as I like to be taught: with sensitivity, integrity & humour, passionately transmitting an embodied understanding of the transformative power of the practices I teach.
Gabrielle Roth saw no separation, all she saw in the human being was the dance of creativity, manifest as well as in potential. This welcoming of Francis as nothing short of an innately creative being was something I’d never encountered before. Never before had I felt truly seen and met in the limitless way that Gabrielle saw me. She gave me a new way to see myself and the world. Yet she didn’t just awaken me to the fundamental existence of this vibrant creativity that we all are, she provided me and countless others with an extraordinary path from which to awaken and nurture the development of this creativity in the day to day world.
Consequently my primary spiritual practice for the last 22 years has been Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms® and I continue to dance, study and teach the practice regularly. Gabrielle trained me to teach ‘Waves’ level back in 2004/5 and ten years later I trained to teach ‘Heartbeat’ level with Gabrielle’s son Jonathan. (Gabrielle sadly passed away in 2012).
For the last 10 years my teaching has been heavily influenced by my ongoing studies into the nature of consciousness through my current teacher Rupert Spira with whom I’ve attended over 20 week long retreats. The liberating realisation and consequential experiential understanding of who the ‘I’ truly is has taken the tension out of my teaching and opened up my events to being a place to experience the presence of our truest unified self. I don’t facilitate people to improve themselves, for they are already this whole, timeless, infinite being. Instead I create a space for people to come to the experiential understanding that the dance of body, breath, mind and emotions is this very consciousness in motion, inseparable from the different parts of itself and already liberated. In allowing life’s dance from the perspective of unity, the mind, body and emotions find their natural harmony, and in time we get to see from our hearts that contrary to what our culture tells us, happiness and peace is our true birthright.
The tachyon pain body release treatments that I perform are a safe and highly effective method for the tensions associated with our illusory separation to be released. For most if not all of our lives we have allowed the establishment of a deep network of tensions that have come about as a result of the cultural assumption that we are essentially separate and mortal, that our consciousness was born from our body and will therefore die with it. When these tensions are unwound, the contraction of the ego is released. Through the release of tensions and energy blocks we become kinder, more loving and relaxed, and more open to our soul’s unique purpose in life.
If you wish to book a treatment – or would like me to teach in your area, please email francis@AwakenedPresence.org